Why Voice Technology is the future of business?
Voice Recognition
Aug. 10, 2020

Why Voice Technology is the future of business?

The business landscape is drastically changing, and the reason is voice-activated technologies. Yes, you read that right. Voice-enabled smart assistants are more than just a means to make appointments and order groceries. They are the future of business due to the ability to ensure a fast, convenient, and reliable communication system, which is the heart of every business.

Let’s see some of the reasons that make voice technology the future of business and why it should be implemented on every scale.

Voice Technology usage

Voice Technology is easier and free of errors

It is no more a doubt that using voice technology is easier than typing on a keyboard or keypad. Almost everyone can speak and can learn to use voice-activated technology effortlessly.

On the contrary, you have to type before sending an email or a message, for example. And you also have to use the right tone, avoid any grammatical errors, and take care of a lot more other things.

Simply speaking, it takes a lot of time to enter data through typing and communicating with the individual or organization through written documents. With voice technology, businesses can save a lot of time and effort using speech recognition technology instead.

Faster communication through Voice Technology

B2B and B2C communications are becoming more effective and faster by incorporating voice technology into the sectors. This creates room for businesses to accomplish multiple goals simultaneously by enabling multitasking. This way, not only efficiency is improved, but the employees become more productive as they can do different tasks using lesser energy.

Not only that, but communications also become more honest and clearer as the problem of “tone” that often comes up in writing is not prevalent while using voice technology.

Moreover, the lengthy procedures of having to wait for a call back is being rapidly replaced by chatbots with featured voice notes from the business end – this ultimately increases Conversion Rate Optimization as customers are often in a hurry and looking for quick information about the product or service they are going to get.

Also, the added “human touch” improves the personalized experience demanded by the consumers.

Voice Tech for Business

How does Voice Technology add value to the business?

We all know how Alexa and SIRI have become an integral part of everyday human lives across the globe. It is paying bills or ordering a meal at a restaurant; these voice-enabled assistants have changed our lives.

In 2019, the total number of digital voice assistants in different devices used around the world was estimated to be 3.25 billion. By 2023, it is estimated to be 8 billion. No surprise, we all know how Amazon smart voice assistants are controlling the 70% market share in America with 100 million devices.

But all this points towards a reason, and that is the authenticity of human touch.

A study from Harvard Law School connects speech to the recognition of authenticity and honesty. Moreover, humans automatically decide whether they are going to trust someone or not in the first two seconds of listening to anyone’s voice.

With the uprise of a more client-oriented approach in business, using voice assistants ultimately adds to the value for the customer. Also, while many competitors in the market are serving the same type of product with the same features, the integral differentiation of the two lies in the quality of communication and client experience they are providing.

This can inevitably be added through combining user-friendly features, including speech recognition. As a matter of fact, Voice technology can improve revenue growth and mark a better profit in business.

Given all these perks that make voice technology the favorable mode of communication over others, we can say that it is an integral tool for making sustainable and rooted business-client relationships. Hence, more businesses are looking forward to adopting this mode of communication in almost every sector.

How can businesses use Voice Technology for better profitability?

Although a lot of business communities recognize the importance of using voice technology in their organizations, the actual success in the form of better profit depends almost entirely on the effective implementation of the technology in hand.

Some of the examples that showcase the effective implementation of the technology are:

  • Informing the client and other organizations regarding your marketing/ business efforts quickly with an assurance of faster corrections (in case of issues).
  • Implement voice messaging to understand the demands of the customer and improve client engagement for better business growth with voice-enabled technology on a website and social media accounts (faster customer services).
  • Being able to access better audio content, businesses can add customers in different live podcasts and run focus groups for the followers.
  • Businesses can have a complete online infrastructure for their community, including customers and other stakeholders, by building the community with better-valued service provision.
  • Improving website accessibility for the customers in numerous categories as many people consider typing and reading difficult – those with poor vision or reading skills, for example.

These are ways through which voice technology will expand the horizons for different businesses, large and small both. On-site and online businesses can implement these services in different ways. The education sector is already using voice-activated digital assistants to send material to students.

Can Voice Technology dominate other communications?

In business, it is a bit soon to say that voice technology will dominate all sectors and become the only mode for communication. However, seeing the advancement being promised and made in the sector such as voice-activated social media and website bots, interactive advertisement, and voice-activated smartphone shortcuts to robotically record interactions, we can definitely say voice technology will rule over other communication modes – especially where rapid and short communications are needed.

So, Is Voice The Future?

Yes, it is. The usage of voice technology and speech recognition is changing the way businesses run and will define the future landscape of business on many fronts.

However, the implementation of these technologies is the actual integral key point for ensuring the success of a business and maintaining better customer relationships for value and profit.

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